ISIS attacks in Paris

First of all, my heart goes out to all who have suffered at the hands of ISIS… Whether the victims are from Lebanon, Greece, Syria, or France.

ISIS has threatened many people of different faiths. They’ve set up a system focused on building fear and tearing down structured civilization. 

I know that many people are up in arms about what happened in Paris on Friday the 13th of this year, as we well should be. What happened is sickening and tragic. But what struck me the most is hearing a 4-year-old ask his mom why this happened.

But much like the Oregon shooting or Boston bombings here in the states, look to the heroes that came out of Paris. Find comfort in knowing that the world isn’t all bad. When your little kids ask why this happened, there is no easy answer. But remind them that while there are bad people in the world, there are also good people. And when they ask what if that happens here, tell them good people will come to the rescue.

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